the bushfire plague: are you safe (saved)?
Driving out of Ballarat
The smoke billows to the sky
Where is the fire?
Is it safe to drive?
The road weaves round and the
g o l d e n p l a i n s
turn to
black remains
The ground a dark mass
The black pillars boasting life
Now host a bronze crust
Chips on a burnt BBQ stick
The sight is breathtaking in beauty
Against the piercing blue skies
The sun glares on the road
The fairytale scene
f a d e s
from the mystery of a dark valley
to the mortifying reality
d e a t h
A dam is in Zion
The pools of hope
The water of life
This disappears from sight when
c o n f r o n t e d
the echo
a family dwelling
a farm faced with the force of the fire
The blame is useless
The blaze has long blown
Now there is only a man
A man moving in the rubble
Surrounded by the steel
The stubborn structures few
The vulnerability evident
The fragility of an earthly dwelling
The flattened folds of a life on a floor of soot
The spark of unpredictability swept this way
The next family
The next farm
Faced this same flame
The fires of change
The blaze of the temporary
An explosion of hope
For what in this world can help the lost and lonely cope?
These fires are not a first
They’re not a last
These fires are a reminder of the insecure reality we see
e v e r y d a y
These fires are a warning to fight or flee
not physically
but spiritually
No investment will endure
but one
No hope will last
but one
The burns will heal
Blackened beams bear the beauty that is there
That is always there – if you believe
Believe not in what you see.
The aftermath of smoke
Believe in what is beyond the blue skies you see
Beyond that aching heart that bleeds
Beyond the sights of the physical
Setting your sights on the spiritual
To the only one who saves
To the only one who knows death
Who renders its power useless
A snuff of smoke
Against the brilliant light of life
A horizon extending from the resurrection to
r e s t o r a t i o n
That’s it.
Driving away from the black
Saying goodbye to the burn of the blaze
Facing life
New life
The hope of restoration again
Found in the one who came to give rest to your soul
There is hope for those who endure
A heart secured
in his healing
his bleeding
Note: this is a random reflection from 30.12.2015 on a road trip from Adelaide to Torquay, written while witnessing the bushfires that plagued Ballarat