It’s that feeling you get when you’re about to burst with excitement or rage.
It’s uncontainable.
Let’s explore the concept of compassion infused passion.
Passion is within comPASSION.
We can get excited about showing compassion to others, or alternately be outraged by the lack of compassion others show.
How can we let compassion permeate in our lives, and fuse it with our own passions and dreams?—
Here is my checklist to comPASSION:
(Disclaimer: will increase levels of joy, kindness, and love if attempted on a daily basis)
ards: Words scrawled on a slant with love heart dotted i’s and swirly g’s. Do it. It may be C for Corny. But it’s C for Creative and Considerate. A few words of encouragement. A note of thanks. A ‘thinking of you’ message. It makes a difference.
ffering: Yes a church tithe. But more so the gift of giving time, resources, and talent. A chore. Spare change. A lift home. An item loan. A meal. What do we take for granted. What might we be able to offer of ourselves to lighten the load of someone else. What does someone else need. What don’t we need. O for Outreach. Outward not inward.
oment: Make the most of the moment. The smile. The compliment. The chance to open a door for someone. The chance to speak truth and life. The choice to be selfless. Moments past. Memories remain. M for Move.
etals: A bouquet of flowers. A bloom of life and beauty. A simple gift from nature that we can bless others with. Something to brighten a room. A rose to romanticise the heart. A daisy for the spring. A lily for the water. A gerbera for the vase. P for Pick. Pick a flower and tell a girl she’s pretty!
ctivity: A walk together. A crafty afternoon with tea and sweets. A mosaic class. A swing dancing session. A book club. A is for Action. Take friends and family out for a picnic. Organise a casual sporting match. A is for Active. What life can you activate in the world around you. In the relationships you have.
weets: Sugar and chocolate. Healthy, no. Energising, yes. Affordable, yes. S for Simple. Bring a packet of treats to school or work. Take a block of chocolate, keep a square, and leave the rest for someone else. S for Share. Spread the love!
hare: Different from offering. Sharing ideas. If you’re sad. Share. If you’re happy. Share. Compassion is shared suffering. How can someone show you compassion if you don’t make your suffering known. Awareness. S for Swallow. Swallow your pride and be real. Open. Honest. Share this thing called life.
—nterest: A ‘how are you’. A listening ear. A deep and meaningful. We all have stories to tell. I for Intrigued. Take notice of someone. Their story. Their life. Show interest in their interests. I for Initiative. There are countless conversation starters. Maybe someone needs to be heard. Maybe someone wants you to care. I for Impact and Influence.
ptimism: We have so many options. O for Opportunity. Choose to be a positive influence when you can. Omit the blues. Insert acts of love and grace. Have a second thought about how you say something. Be innovative with how you can see the best in any situation. An awkward silence to crack a joke. A compliment instead of a criticism. O for Observe. Analyse the thoughts that cross your path and consciously choose to reframe your perspective on things that are lovely and worthy of praise.
ew: The buzz of something never done before. Give someone a recipe to try. A song to listen to. An experience to have. An adventure to explore. The beauty of sharing experiences with one another. Word of mouth. It inspires others to do something they otherwise wouldn’t have known about. Share new things with others! Don’t keep them to yourselves. N for Notice. What’s new in your life? What’s new around you?
What affects people. What do you admire about them. Exemplify their attributes!
Lets get passionate about being compassionate.