
A grey cool 
Sky overcast

Sun coating skin

Buildings and bustle
The city in a rustle

Early mornings
Grazing sounds

The traffic light beeping
The cars brakes screeching

The thoughts of God
The prayers of man

The heart wanders
The Cross thunders

What can man do
What can God do

Where is truth
What source 
What cue

If all is haze
If life is a maze

I’m caught in mans gaze

I want not
I want Him

His eyes
His heart
His love


My heart kick starts

The sun just glowed
The wind gently blows

This I know
How he shows
 Himself here
How he knows
To bring the clear

Fog lifting
Mist sweeping

Clean slate
Empty plate
Arms of grace
Heart ablaze
Love amazed

Oh God these words

A river
A rush

Life in the Son
Love overcomes

So in awe
Of you more
Lord give me more
Lord spirit soar

You I implore
You I adore

YOU are enough

I fear your love
Lord your glory
Is too much

It’s my rising sun
Too bright
It overcomes

The Grave not sinking sand
The Cross stands
A symbol of you
Your love

The Cross
Crosses through
The deepest dark
The broken heart

Sealing with truth
Binding the bruised

My hope is in you

You conquer
THIS is truth

Love has won

“The sun shall no more be your light by day,
nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you,
but the Lord shall be to you an everlasting light
and your God your glory and your beauty.”
– Isaiah 60:19

Respond from the Heart