The seasons shift.
The sun seeks.
Each human, on shaky feet.
Human, a mere heart beat.
We need change.
The heart beat of hate.
To heart beat of love.
A stumble from cradle to grave.
As all souls need to be saved.
We need change.
The journey, the jump.
Rocks, piling in clumps.
This life, a jumble.
Each day, a stumble.
We need change.
Look – the human.
See – the soul bleeds.
Free the heart from these chains of greed.
We need change.
Each spirit – hungry, thirsty
A constant state of famine.
Ready to feed.
Desiring to breathe.
Soul aching.
Spirit, in need of blazing.
What is this freedom we seek?
Do we know of the Peace that frees?
We need change.
Find, O soul, the Prince of Peace.
The reason for the season.
The child of the star.
In those churches they cry.
Of this Saviour –
One with the Father in the sky.
We need His change.
Yet. Do we know Him?
What longing holds us?
Why do you respond ‘I’m coping’?
Where is the hoping?
What drains you?
Do you forget He who made you?
We need His change.
There are lies to tame.
Human must end this game.
The terror and fear.
The counting of years.
We deny.
We lie.
We reject all truth.
We consume and abuse.
What is the use?
We need change.
As the festivities fade.
New memories in the bank.
Dive deep into the dirty.
Be free where love is hurting.
We need change.
For this life is temporal.
Death is inevitable.
How to fight?
How to flee?
How to maintain –
We need change.
Flight through fear.
Enter into the clear.
Wholehearted living.
A love, so forgiving.
We need His change.
Hear the sound.
The souls that abound.
Love! Mercy!
There, sanity.
Some clarity.
We need His change.
As the world spins.
When evil wins.
What does man think he can gain?
We need His change.
O soul, turn to flame.
O spirit, roar! blaze!
Christ –
We need His change.
Two sides to the stone.
Good and evil.
Love and hate.
Justice. Grace.
How to change?
In trust.
In praise.
In grace.
In mercy.
In hope.
In love.
In Christ.
New life.
A heavy price.
We need His change.
From deep lament.
Turn, repent.
The Saviour sent.
Find peace again.
How to change?
The Surrender.
The separation of self.
Soaking in Saviour.
A Spirit cleanse.
We HAVE been changed.
As flesh burns.
Change hurts.
Life, returns.