Abundance of Grace

o v e r w h e l m e d

is an understatement

in the span of the week

there has been

so much

all that was unseen

the sleepless

f e a r i n g


t r u s t i n g

was transformed before me

sovereign is he

precious is he

who sees

who controls

who provides

whose mercy

is so



this is more than an abundance of lovely

this is an abundance of grace

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you;
that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things,
may abound to every good work” – 2 Corinthians 9:8


you are abundant Lord

your grace is so abundant in my life

in your son

and i thank you

for my life

for your son

for what he has done

l i f e

moves so fast


thank you for being one step ahead of me

always being ready

patiently preparing me

i thank you for the song my life has become

because of you

a song of mercy

of love

of your goodness to me


i pray for those who do not know the abundance of your grace

those who are lost or hurting


cradle them in your arms

comfort them in their hour of need


for all those who are suffering

who are struggling

who are doubting

have mercy

make your grace abound

make yourself known

may they know

may they receive

this mercy


draw more into your loving arms


may your promises continue to bring peace

to be reminders of your mercy

that you are a God of fulfilling

of beginning

of ending

of all that’s in-between

and for all eternity


may your will

your plan

your calling

come to be


thank you for the clarity that comes from your word

for the direction of your grace


d e l i v e r a n c e


an outpouring of your love


may the happenings of each day

lead me to praise

lead me to proclaim

your glory

your mercy

this newness i can only claim

in Christ name

to him belongs the highest praise

for all my days

Respond from the Heart