
the same shot on a different day will always change — at the sunset display

For over five years I have lived in this city. A concrete jungle my ten year self despised for it’s lack of natural wonder. I originally came here to study, without ever really dreaming or intending of moving here. Yet I now find myself working here, again without ever really dreaming or intending to do what I do.

Sydney has always seemed like a stepping stone to something else.

One of the only constant threads, despite my movement from Adelaide to Sydney, has been sunset-chasing. Back in Adelaide I would climb on the rainwater tank, even onto our old suburban roof, to catch a glimpse of the God-colours on display. When I first moved to Sydney, my college had a rooftop with a visionary view of the city. So for three years I would escape before dinner to see the skyscraper silhouette emerge with radiance and diversity. Each day was a new and glorious display of God-colour.

In hindsight, I’m slightly disappointed I didn’t set myself the challenge of a shooting 365 sunsets straight, but oh well. Here is a sneak peak of the ones I managed to find from my old files. The progression is tracing backwards in time (as you’ll see from the lower-quality phone in the last few).

I pray that no matter where I go, I will keep seeing the God-colours around me.

Respond from the Heart