Baggage Check

As the festive season draws to a close, let’s rummage through your baggage

.…Not necessarily your life baggage, i.e. your burdens and problems.
…That baggage is usually pushed to the side for a happy facade with sprinkles of joy this time of year, isn’t it?

No, let’s look at what is placed in your ‘bag’ – your life – this time of year.

Floral Cube Inspiration // Abundance of Lovely

Do you ‘grab’ onto your family, friends, food, or presents? Do you fill your ‘bag’ with things that will make you feel lighthearted, or things that will weigh you down?

♥ What has weight in your ‘bag’ right now?

I wonder whether, for some of you, Christmas has lost it’s true weight. You might look at Christmas and only see competition and commercialism. It’s not hard to lose sight of it’s true meaning as stores fight for sales and people pounce on products. Christmas was never meant to be a contest.But it’s become one.And it’s time for you to choose.

• Choose what you place in your ‘bag’ •

Choose wisely, because your ‘bag’ – your life – is eternal. What you place in your bag is an investment in your future. Ensure your bag isn’t weighed down with temporary fillers. We can invest so much in our bags, only to find out that they won’t hold us together.The world – Santa – only provides shallow fulfilment. We fill our lives like Santa’s bag – with temporary items instead of kingdom identity. We become breakable, and when we let Santa carry our ‘bag’ – our life – then we won’t be fulfilled or remain whole. We need a Saviour to carry us.  Someone to hold us together, to fill us with Himself, to fill us with the eternal promises of His kingdom, to mend us, to carry us, and to bring us Home. That Someone is our God-send, our sustenance, our source of life and kingdom identity.

 • Our (CHRIST)mas (presence)present for eternity •

So as the year rolls over, may you remember that your ‘bag’ won’t be stocked by Santa with lifetime fulfilment. May you continue to search for a place to set down your ‘bag’, a place to call home. I pray that you won’t find home under the Christmas tree. Instead, may you find home where the heart is – where the Lord’s heart is. The Lord’s heart is in His people, and He comes to EVERYONE, to be with them and to bring them to Himself – the true Fortress and place of Refuge for us to house ourselves in. 

So why don’t you try setting down your ‘bag’ at His feet?

I pray that you might consider surrendering your 'life' to a Saviour who's got you sorted. Christ gives weight to your identity. Christ cares more about you than the items - the junk - in your life.

Seasons blessings

Respond from the Heart