Motivation is hard. It’s a struggle to find the strength to move through this daily journey of life.
There are hurdles and sometimes we feel fatigued, leaving our muscles worn and unable to move.
We don’t have the will power to move mountains, because we’re only human. We’re not God.
We do have a degree of strength and stamina that we can find within ourselves. Yet without God, we won’t ever reach our full potential, and we will find ourselves weary and carrying unnecessary burdens that prevent us from living with a liberated and motivated spirit.
Motivation (n.)Is our willingness or desire to do something; it is the enthusiasm we try to muster to accomplish, or even just face, a task or situation.
In times of stress (especially near the end of a year), we can struggle to rev our engines for acceleration.
It is important to return to the source of our strength and power. A source that will not only motivate you, but which can move mountains.
Faith can move mountains.
What actually is faith though?
Is it believing in something? Is it religion? Is it a nice spiritual word for the quote board?
According to Hebrews 11:1:
“Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it”.
Faith is having a confidence, a certainty.
It is faith that we need to lay down as our foundation before we can stand firm for the battles we face in life, and so that we can find the courage to move mountains.
In faith we can trust in God, and have confidence that He is our source of strength and stamina. We can hold onto His promises, and in Him find the motivation to move mountains for His glory.
Can faith move mountains?
Let’s look at some scriptures:
Matthew 17:20 (VOICE translation)
I tell you this: if you had even a faint spark of faith, even faith as tiny as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and because of your faith, the mountain would move. If you had just a sliver of faith, you would find nothing impossible.
Mark 11: 22b-24 (NCV translation)
“Have faith in God. I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, fall into the sea.’ And if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, God will do it for you. So I tell you to believe that you have received the things you ask for in prayer, and God will give them to you.”
Faith is holding onto the promises of the Lord – surrendering our control, sacrificing our lives, into His trust and care.
Where faith rules, doubt falls.
When we submit to faith and cast out all doubts, fears, and flaws, we find that God will fill our weaknesses with His strength. With more of Him, there is less room for all the other worries and doubts. There is a place for Him to use us, to move us, and if we allow Him to work through us like this, then He is our source of motivation, our source of enthusiasm, and purpose in life.
Faith can move mountains.
It can also move us and motivate us to push through our daily struggles and happenings.God is your motivation. Embrace Him.Really embrace Him, and you will gain a deeper sense of meaning and purpose – a greater motivation.You won’t even need motivation – You’ll already be motivated.Moved by His Spirit.
If you let go of your concerns and doubts, your own strength and power, and give it to God – in return, you’ll gain all of His strength and power.
So go! Move mountains with your faith!
To finish – just as Paul prays in Ephesians 1:17-19 – I ask the Lord to give you wisdom and revelation so that you may gain new perspective. I pray for a deeper understanding of the Lord, and a confident belief in His calling, His promises, and His blessings to all of you who choose to pursue the path of faith.
“God’s power is very great for us who believe. That power is the same as the great strength”
I really needed this! You are so inspiring x