“Lose Your Idealism”

The memory is vague these days

Probably those sleepless nights

“Lose your idealism”

These are the words that remain

Words from one who I do not know

Only known through a known

So why do these words matter?

Why do they hit close to home?

Maybe because there is no hope here

I have had my idealism stripped from me since that night

Slowly but surely

I have seen deception in man’s eyes

I have seen horrors I can’t describe

The evil of man



I thought I could see

Turns out that what I could see

Was what I wanted to see

What I’d imagine God longs to see

But what isn’t the reality

The reality is pornography

The reality is genocide

The reality is fraud

The reality is robbery

The reality is assault

The reality is murder

The reality is rape

The reality is guns

The reality is gossip

The reality is drugs

The reality is pride

The reality is theft

The reality is fear

The reality is rage

The reality is racism

The reality is greed

The reality is envy

The reality is failure

The reality is sexism

The reality is judgement

The reality is consumerism

The reality is drunkenness

The reality is comparison

The reality is bitterness

The reality is rejection

I have always seen the best in people

But lately, that has been put to the test

It has been disheartening




I have seen these horrors spreading

How sin is consuming

How what people say to your face

How people seem in a conversation

Does not reveal their heart

What is telling is the actions

Who can see behind the scenes?

Those private thoughts

Those misguided dreams

The daily dealings

The true character

That night I was reminded that

I don’t want to gain the whole world but lose my soul

( see Matthew 16:26)

While I may be idealistic at times

I am realistic too

The confusion

The tension

Is that

My hope is mistaken for idealism

But my hope is not the seen

That is why it may seem unreal

That is why it is labelled an ‘ideal’

My hope is a groaning

A waiting

An eager longing

For the revealing of the sons of God

For the freedom from bondage to corruption

For the possession of the freedom of the glory of the children of God

For our adoption as sons

And for the redemption of our bodies

( see Romans 8:19-21,23)

“Now hope that is seen is not hope.

For who hopes for what he sees?

But if we hope for what we do not see we wait for it with patience”

(Romans 8:24-5)

For according to God’s great mercy

We can be BORN AGAIN


Through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead

It is by his power that our inheritance

– which is imperishable, undefiled, unfading –

is kept in heaven and guarded through faith

for a salvation ready to be revealed.

(see 1 Peter:3-5)

My living hope is Jesus Christ

He is no ideal

He is the real deal

Respond from the Heart