Impulsive Love

this is the kind of heart that is driven to sacrifice

to choose on a whim to stop everything

to go where love is calling

to set aside all other commitments

and to commit to the call

the call to love

the call for love

this is the love that pursues with passion

that prays with purpose

that moves with meaning

this is the kind of heart that hopes for God’s will

though we all soulishly second guess the way

this is a love that is secure

that is set in a love that has gone before

this is the kind of love that sows

because it has reaped

receiving the love God bestows to every heart beat

this is the love that sees the flaw but decides to follow through

the love that surrenders to the other despite

maybe they are ignorant of your heart muse

or maybe they choose to fire at you

but don’t read this as abuse

it’s because they care

and they swear because they see the unconditional truth

this is a love without strings

this is a love offering

a gift

to give

to choose

a love for when dreams die

a love that is by your side

a love that never leaves

nor forsakes

a love that makes a way

even when there seems to be no way

and though life is never without disappointment

this is a love that decides to plant seeds in the dirt of despair

the love that waits and waters in faith

bearing the other up in love

until there is fruit

this is when heart is squeezed

and more love is released

and this is the juice of the fruit

an abundant love offering

maybe i shouldn’t write on love. maybe i know nothing about love.

having never been in a relationship. having never heard those three words.


maybe i just don’t think of love the way the world thinks of love.

love isn’t a feeling.

love is a gift.

love is sacrifice.

love is sent.

(for god so love that he gave; he sent his one and only son)

for context:

i wrote the words above a few weekends ago, with tears in the eyes.

i was grateful for my grandparents who had expressed such an impulsive love.

to cut a long story short –

i was away on a road trip for a week with family (my cousins and brother).

after my three cousins left a few days early (before the weekend) i received a call from my grandparents.

grandad had a thought and grandma – who has her diary detailed to a fine degree – had by a miracle agreed.

they were willing to drive eight hours straight to coffin bay (on the eyre peninsula in south australia) –

to stay with us for only one full day before we would road trip back sunday.

i was overwhelmed.

were they really willing to do this? for us?

they were. and they did.

and wow.

what great love is this!?

a reminder of the Cross.

a love that is a sacrifice.

a tangible expression of God’s love.

a love that goes the length.

a love that is willing to be stretched.

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